Semos Education Semos Education
  • Понеделник-Петок 9:00 - 22:00
  • Јави ни се +389 2 3130 900
    +389 75 310 910
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Embark on an immersive exploration of AI innovation with AI-050, your definitive pathway to mastering Azure OpenAI Service. This course introduces you to OpenAI’s powerful large language models, including the renowned GPT, foundational to the widely used ChatGPT service. These models empower a range of natural language processing (NLP) solutions, enabling understanding, conversation, and content generation capabilities. Accessible via REST APIs, SDKs, and Azure OpenAI Studio, this service is your gateway to building cutting-edge generative AI applications. 


Throughout AI-050, you will navigate a structured learning path designed to equip you with essential skills. Start by provisioning the Azure OpenAI service and progress through modules that teach you to deploy models effectively. From building sophisticated natural language solutions to mastering prompt engineering techniques and generating code and images, each module immerses you in practical applications of AI innovation. 


By the course’s conclusion, you will adeptly implement Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and grasp the fundamentals of responsible AI usage. Whether you are enhancing existing applications or pioneering new AI-driven experiences, AI-050 prepares you to harness Azure OpenAI Service effectively, driving innovation and transformative solutions in today’s dynamic digital landscape. Join AI-050 to unlock the full potential of Azure OpenAI Service and embark on a journey of AI mastery. 


Develop Generative AI solutions with Azure OpenAI Service


  • Module 1: Get started with Azure OpenAI Service
  • Module 2: Build natural language solutions with Azure OpenAI Service
  • Module 3: Apply prompt engineering with Azure OpenAI Service
  • Module 4: Generate code with Azure OpenAI Service
  • Module 5: Generate images with Azure OpenAI Service
  • Module 6: Implement Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with Azure OpenAI Service

The audience for this course includes software developers and data scientists who need to use large language models for generative AI.

Some programming experience is recommended, but the course will be valuable to anyone seeking to understand how the Azure OpenAI service can be used to implement generative AI solutions.

Applied Skills Assessment – Develop generative AI solutions with Azure OpenAI Service


Embark on an immersive exploration of AI innovation with AI-050, your definitive pathway to mastering Azure OpenAI Service. This course introduces you to OpenAI’s powerful large language models, including the renowned GPT, foundational to the widely used ChatGPT service. These models empower a range of natural language processing (NLP) solutions, enabling understanding, conversation, and content generation capabilities. Accessible via REST APIs, SDKs, and Azure OpenAI Studio, this service is your gateway to building cutting-edge generative AI applications. 


Throughout AI-050, you will navigate a structured learning path designed to equip you with essential skills. Start by provisioning the Azure OpenAI service and progress through modules that teach you to deploy models effectively. From building sophisticated natural language solutions to mastering prompt engineering techniques and generating code and images, each module immerses you in practical applications of AI innovation. 


By the course’s conclusion, you will adeptly implement Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and grasp the fundamentals of responsible AI usage. Whether you are enhancing existing applications or pioneering new AI-driven experiences, AI-050 prepares you to harness Azure OpenAI Service effectively, driving innovation and transformative solutions in today’s dynamic digital landscape. Join AI-050 to unlock the full potential of Azure OpenAI Service and embark on a journey of AI mastery. 



Develop Generative AI solutions with Azure OpenAI Service


  • Module 1: Get started with Azure OpenAI Service
  • Module 2: Build natural language solutions with Azure OpenAI Service
  • Module 3: Apply prompt engineering with Azure OpenAI Service
  • Module 4: Generate code with Azure OpenAI Service
  • Module 5: Generate images with Azure OpenAI Service
  • Module 6: Implement Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with Azure OpenAI Service
За кого е наменет

The audience for this course includes software developers and data scientists who need to use large language models for generative AI.

Some programming experience is recommended, but the course will be valuable to anyone seeking to understand how the Azure OpenAI service can be used to implement generative AI solutions.


Applied Skills Assessment – Develop generative AI solutions with Azure OpenAI Service

Досегашни искуства

Што кажаа луѓето за нас

  • - Марко Крстевски студент за Microsoft .NET

    Барајќи да го проширам своето знаење, се одлучив да се запишам во Семос Едукација каде го добивам потребното знаење и искуство.

  • - Теодор Марковски Студент

    Желбата да станам Cloud architect ме доведе до Семос Едукација. Воодушевен сум од позитивните искуства на поранешни студенти и начинот на кој предавачите и Кариерниот центар се грижат за студентите.

  • - Александар Максимов студент на CertNexus за вештачка интелигенција

    Затоа што Вештачката интелигенција е предизвик на иднината. Со модернизирањето на начинот на живеење и технолошкиот развој во светски рамки, вештачката интелигенција се повеќе зазема клучна улога во сите сегменти на живеењето и развој во општеството.

  • - Кристијан Стојоски Академија за вештачка интелигенција

    Со превземање на првиот чекор и вложување на доволно труд, секој може да ја совлада оваа модерна тема и да се издвои на пазарот на труд во една од најбрзорастечките индустрии во светот.

  • - Виктор Ванчов Академија за вештачка интелигенција

    Завршниот проект ме научи на многу корисни работи, надвор од областа на видео игрите. Сепак, многу ми помогна да добијам идеја за тоа како машините „учат” и колкава е нивната моќ.


  • Ирена Ивановска
    +389 70 246 146