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  • Понеделник-Петок 9:00 - 22:00
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*Black Week Offer! Enroll in the course at a discounted price and invest in your knowledge! Use the coupon code – BW30 to get 30% off the original price.


Original price: 42.024 MKD


Discounted price: 29.417 MKD


Dynamics: mon – tue – wed – thu – fri





This course teaches IT Professionals how to manage their Azure subscriptions, secure identities, administer the infrastructure, configure virtual networking, connect Azure and on-premises sites, manage network traffic, implement storage solutions, create and scale virtual machines, implement web apps and containers, back up and share data, and monitor your solution.

AZ-104: Prerequisites for Azure administrators

  • Module 1: Configure Azure resources with tools
  • Module 2: Use Azure Resource Manager
  • Module 3: Configure resources with Azure Resource Manager templates
  • Module 4: Automate Azure tasks using scripts with PowerShell
  • Module 5: Control Azure services with the CLI
  • Module 6: Deploy Azure infrastructure by using JSON ARM templates

AZ-104: Manage identities and governance in Azure

  • Module 1: Configure Microsoft Entra ID
  • Module 2: Configure user and group accounts
  • Module 3: Configure subscriptions
  • Module 4: Configure Azure Policy
  • Module 5: Configure role-based access control
  • Module 6: Create Azure users and groups in Microsoft Entra ID
  • Module 7: Secure your Azure resources with Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC)
  • Module 8: Allow users to reset their password with Microsoft Entra self-service password reset

AZ-104: Implement and manage storage in Azure

  • Module 1: Configure storage accounts
  • Module 2: Configure Azure Blob Storage
  • Module 3: Configure Azure Storage security
  • Module 4: Configure Azure Files and Azure File Sync
  • Module 5: Configure Azure Storage with tools
  • Module 6: Create an Azure Storage account
  • Module 7: Control access to Azure Storage with shared access signatures
  • Module 8: Upload, download, and manage data with Azure Storage Explorer

AZ-104: Deploy and manage Azure compute resources

  • Module 1: Configure virtual machines
  • Module 2: Configure virtual machine availability
  • Module 3: Configure Azure App Service plans
  • Module 4: Configure Azure App Service
  • Module 5: Configure Azure Container Instances
  • Module 6: Manage virtual machines with the Azure CLI
  • Module 7: Create a Windows virtual machine in Azure
  • Module 8: Host a web application with Azure App Service

AZ-104: Configure and manage virtual networks for Azure administrators

  • Module 1: Configure virtual networks
  • Module 2: Configure network security groups
  • Module 3: Configure Azure DNS
  • Module 4: Configure Azure Virtual Network peering
  • Module 5: Configure network routing and endpoints
  • Module 6: Configure Azure Load Balancer
  • Module 7: Configure Azure Application Gateway
  • Module 8: Design an IP addressing schema for your Azure deployment
  • Module 9: Distribute your services across Azure virtual networks and integrate them by using virtual network peering
  • Module 10: Host your domain on Azure DNS
  • Module 11: Manage and control traffic flow in your Azure deployment with routes
  • Module 12: Improve application scalability and resiliency by using Azure Load Balancer

AZ-104: Monitor and back up Azure resources

  • Module 1: Configure file and folder backups
  • Module 2: Configure virtual machine backups
  • Module 3: Configure Azure Monitor
  • Module 4: Configure Azure alerts
  • Module 5: Configure Log Analytics
  • Module 6: Configure Network Watcher
  • Module 7: Improve incident response with alerting on Azure
  • Module 8: Analyze your Azure infrastructure by using Azure Monitor logs
  • Module 9: Monitor your Azure virtual machines with Azure Monitor

This course is for Azure Administrators. The Azure Administrator implements, manages, and monitors identity, governance, storage, compute, and virtual networks in a cloud environment. The Azure Administrator will provision, size, monitor, and adjust resources as appropriate.

Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate after successful completion of the Exam AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator


*Black Week Offer! Enroll in the course at a discounted price and invest in your knowledge! Use the coupon code – BW30 to get 30% off the original price.


Original price: 42.024 MKD


Discounted price: 29.417 MKD


Dynamics: mon – tue – wed – thu – fri





This course teaches IT Professionals how to manage their Azure subscriptions, secure identities, administer the infrastructure, configure virtual networking, connect Azure and on-premises sites, manage network traffic, implement storage solutions, create and scale virtual machines, implement web apps and containers, back up and share data, and monitor your solution.


AZ-104: Prerequisites for Azure administrators

  • Module 1: Configure Azure resources with tools
  • Module 2: Use Azure Resource Manager
  • Module 3: Configure resources with Azure Resource Manager templates
  • Module 4: Automate Azure tasks using scripts with PowerShell
  • Module 5: Control Azure services with the CLI
  • Module 6: Deploy Azure infrastructure by using JSON ARM templates

AZ-104: Manage identities and governance in Azure

  • Module 1: Configure Microsoft Entra ID
  • Module 2: Configure user and group accounts
  • Module 3: Configure subscriptions
  • Module 4: Configure Azure Policy
  • Module 5: Configure role-based access control
  • Module 6: Create Azure users and groups in Microsoft Entra ID
  • Module 7: Secure your Azure resources with Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC)
  • Module 8: Allow users to reset their password with Microsoft Entra self-service password reset

AZ-104: Implement and manage storage in Azure

  • Module 1: Configure storage accounts
  • Module 2: Configure Azure Blob Storage
  • Module 3: Configure Azure Storage security
  • Module 4: Configure Azure Files and Azure File Sync
  • Module 5: Configure Azure Storage with tools
  • Module 6: Create an Azure Storage account
  • Module 7: Control access to Azure Storage with shared access signatures
  • Module 8: Upload, download, and manage data with Azure Storage Explorer

AZ-104: Deploy and manage Azure compute resources

  • Module 1: Configure virtual machines
  • Module 2: Configure virtual machine availability
  • Module 3: Configure Azure App Service plans
  • Module 4: Configure Azure App Service
  • Module 5: Configure Azure Container Instances
  • Module 6: Manage virtual machines with the Azure CLI
  • Module 7: Create a Windows virtual machine in Azure
  • Module 8: Host a web application with Azure App Service

AZ-104: Configure and manage virtual networks for Azure administrators

  • Module 1: Configure virtual networks
  • Module 2: Configure network security groups
  • Module 3: Configure Azure DNS
  • Module 4: Configure Azure Virtual Network peering
  • Module 5: Configure network routing and endpoints
  • Module 6: Configure Azure Load Balancer
  • Module 7: Configure Azure Application Gateway
  • Module 8: Design an IP addressing schema for your Azure deployment
  • Module 9: Distribute your services across Azure virtual networks and integrate them by using virtual network peering
  • Module 10: Host your domain on Azure DNS
  • Module 11: Manage and control traffic flow in your Azure deployment with routes
  • Module 12: Improve application scalability and resiliency by using Azure Load Balancer

AZ-104: Monitor and back up Azure resources

  • Module 1: Configure file and folder backups
  • Module 2: Configure virtual machine backups
  • Module 3: Configure Azure Monitor
  • Module 4: Configure Azure alerts
  • Module 5: Configure Log Analytics
  • Module 6: Configure Network Watcher
  • Module 7: Improve incident response with alerting on Azure
  • Module 8: Analyze your Azure infrastructure by using Azure Monitor logs
  • Module 9: Monitor your Azure virtual machines with Azure Monitor
За кого е наменет

This course is for Azure Administrators. The Azure Administrator implements, manages, and monitors identity, governance, storage, compute, and virtual networks in a cloud environment. The Azure Administrator will provision, size, monitor, and adjust resources as appropriate.


Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate after successful completion of the Exam AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator

Досегашни искуства

Што кажаа луѓето за нас

  • - Марко Крстевски студент за Microsoft .NET

    Барајќи да го проширам своето знаење, се одлучив да се запишам во Семос Едукација каде го добивам потребното знаење и искуство.

  • - Теодор Марковски Студент

    Желбата да станам Cloud architect ме доведе до Семос Едукација. Воодушевен сум од позитивните искуства на поранешни студенти и начинот на кој предавачите и Кариерниот центар се грижат за студентите.

  • - Викторија Георгиева Летна менторска програма за Python Developer

    Репутацијата на Семос Едукација за квалитетна обука и можноста за учење од искусни инструктори одиграа дополнителна значајна улога во мојата одлука.

  • - Борче Пелтековски Акредитирана Академија за Графички дизајн

    По завршувањето во Семос Едукација се гледам во некоја компанија која работи со технологија, како на пример Samsung, Apple или компанија од сличен калибар.

Запознајте ги инструкторите

  • Гоце Аргиров
    Microsoft Consultant and Certified Trainer
    CIO @Semos Education

    14+ години искуство
  • Дејан Кумпаниоски  

    Microsoft Certified Trainer

    System Administrator @Semos Education


    14+ години искуство

  • д-р Фисник Доко  

    Microsoft Certifed Trainer

    ISTQB Certified Trainer

    PhD, Computer science and engineering

    Azure Architect @Adeva


    13+ години искуство

  • Христијан Шурбески  

    Microsoft Certified Trainer

    SRE Team Lead @DEPT


    3+ години

  • Мартин Димовски
    Senior DevOps/DevSecOps Engineer 
    @ ABN AMRO 

    15 + години искуство
  • Бранко Белински  

    Senior System Administrator for Information Security,

    Cyber ​​Defense and Crypto Protection

    @Army of NRM


    +20 години искуство


  • Ирена Ивановска
    +389 70 246 146