Semos Education Semos Education
  • Понеделник-Петок 9:00 - 22:00
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    +389 75 310 910
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  • За кого е наменет
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Computer vision is an area of artificial intelligence that deals with visual perception. Azure AI Vision includes multiple services that support common computer vision scenarios.

Create computer vision solutions with Azure AI Vision


  • Module 1: Analyze images
  • Module 2: Image classification with custom Azure AI Vision models
  • Module 3: Detect, analyze, and recognize faces
  • Module 4: Read Text in images and documents with the Azure AI Vision Service
  • Module 5: Analyze video

Before starting this learning path, you should already have:

  • Familiarity with Azure and the Azure portal.
  • Experience programming with C# or Python. If you have no previous programming experience, we recommend you complete the Take your first steps with C# or Take your first steps with Python learning path before starting this one.

Applied Skills Assessment – Build an Azure AI Vision solution with Azure AI services


Computer vision is an area of artificial intelligence that deals with visual perception. Azure AI Vision includes multiple services that support common computer vision scenarios.


Create computer vision solutions with Azure AI Vision


  • Module 1: Analyze images
  • Module 2: Image classification with custom Azure AI Vision models
  • Module 3: Detect, analyze, and recognize faces
  • Module 4: Read Text in images and documents with the Azure AI Vision Service
  • Module 5: Analyze video
За кого е наменет

Before starting this learning path, you should already have:

  • Familiarity with Azure and the Azure portal.
  • Experience programming with C# or Python. If you have no previous programming experience, we recommend you complete the Take your first steps with C# or Take your first steps with Python learning path before starting this one.

Applied Skills Assessment – Build an Azure AI Vision solution with Azure AI services

Нашите студенти за нас:

  • - Марко Крстевски студент за Microsoft .NET

    Барајќи да го проширам своето знаење, се одлучив да се запишам во Семос Едукација каде го добивам потребното знаење и искуство.

  • - Теодор Марковски Студент

    Желбата да станам Cloud architect ме доведе до Семос Едукација. Воодушевен сум од позитивните искуства на поранешни студенти и начинот на кој предавачите и Кариерниот центар се грижат за студентите.


  • Ирена Ивановска
    +389 70 246 146