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Оваа обука за Java EE 6: Develop Web Components with Servlets и JSPs е дизајнирана за искусни развивачи на Јава технолошки апликации.


Ќе стекнете знаења и вештини за брзо создавање на веб-апликации прилагодени на која било Java ЕЕ 6 апликативен сервер кој користи JSP и сервлет технологии.

Introducing the Course

  • Reviewing the Java SE and Java EE Curriculum
  • Getting Acquainted with Other Students
  • Reviewing Course Objectives
  • Discussing 5 Day Course Schedule
  • Describing the Format that the Class will Use
  • Introducing Web Application Technologies
  • Describing the Java EE 6 Web Profile


Web Application Essentials

  • Describing Java Servlet Technology
  • Describing JavaServer Pages Technology
  • Understanting the Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture
  • Explaining Java EE Containers and Java Application Servers
  • Describing the Web Application Development Process
  • Identifying the Essential Structure of a WAR File


Developing a Servlet

  • Describing the HTTP Headers and Their Function
  • Explaining the Request and Response Processes
  • Understanding the Life Cycle of a Servlet
  • Listing Injection and Lifecycle Method Annotations
  • Understanding the Threading Model of a Servlet
  • Developing a Servlet to Respond to Requests from the Client Browser


Handling Form Requests in Servlets

  • Using HTML Forms To Collect Data From Users and Send it To a Servlet
  • Understanding How Form Data Is Sent in an HTTP Request
  • Developing a Servlet that Retrieves Form Parameters
  • Understanding and Using HttpSession Objects
  • Using Cookies for Session Management
  • Using URL Rewriting for Session Management


Configuring Your Web Application

  • Describing the Purpose of Deployment Descriptors
  • Creating Servlet Mappings to Allow Invocation of a Servlet
  • Creating and Access Context and Init Parameters
  • Using the @WebServlet and @WebInitParam Annotations
  • Using the ServletContextListener Interface
  • Describing the Different Scopes in a Web Application
  • Handling Errors Using a Deployment Descriptor


Implementing an MVC Design

  • Implementing the Controller Design Element Using a Servlet
  • Implementing the Model Design Element Using a POJO
  • Implementing the View Design Element Using a JSP and Expression Language (EL)
  • Connecting the model, View, and Controller Elements to Implement a Working MVC Solution
  • Injecting a Service in a Controller


Developing Components with JavaServer Pages Technology

  • Describing JSP Page Technology
  • Writing JSP Code Using Scripting Elements
  • Writing JSP Code Using the Page Directive
  • Writing JSP Code Using Standard Tags
  • Writing JSP code using Expression Language
  • Configuring the JSP Page Environment in the web.xml File
  • Writing an Error Page by Using JSP


Developing JSP Pages by Using Custom Tags

  • Designing JSP Pages with Custom Tag Libraries
  • Using a Custom Tag Library in JSP Pages
  • Describing JSTL Tags


Using Filters in Web Applications

  • Describing the Web Container Request Cycle
  • Describing the Filter API
  • Developing a Filter Class
  • Configuring a Filter in the web.xml File


More Servlet Features

  • Using the Asynchronous Servlet Mechanism
  • Using JavaScript to Send an HTTP Request from a Client
  • Processing an HTTP Response Entirely in JavaScript
  • Combining These Techniques to Create the Effect of Server-push
  • Handling Multipart Form Data


Implementing Security

  • Describing a Common Failure Mode in Security
  • Requiring that a User Log in Before Accessing Specific Pages in Your Web Application
  • Describing the Java EE Security Model
  • Requiring SSL Encrypted Communication for Certain URLs or Servlets


Integrating Web Applications with Databases

  • Understanding the Nature of the Model as a Macro-pattern
  • Implementing Persistent Storage for Your Web Applications Using JDBC or Java Persistence API


Научете да:


  • Конструирајте и распоредете веб-апликации од мал до среден размер пронајдени во интранет и комерцијални сајтови со мал обем преку користејќи JavaServer Page (JSP page) технологија и сервлети.
  • Применете ја архитектурата на Model-View-Controller (MVC) на проекти во средини за ЕЕ.
  • Креирајте филтри и слушатели за сервлет.
  • Разбирање и управување со HTTP сесии во веб апликација.
  • Креирајте лесни за одржување страници JSP користејќи јазик за изразување и JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL).
  • Анализирајте, дизајнирајте, развивајте и распоредувајте веб-апликации со Java EE 6 SDK и серверот за апликации Oracle WebLogic
  • Сервер 12c.

Сертификат за присуство на курсот објавен од Семос Едукација


Оваа обука за Java EE 6: Develop Web Components with Servlets и JSPs е дизајнирана за искусни развивачи на Јава технолошки апликации.


Ќе стекнете знаења и вештини за брзо создавање на веб-апликации прилагодени на која било Java ЕЕ 6 апликативен сервер кој користи JSP и сервлет технологии.


Introducing the Course

  • Reviewing the Java SE and Java EE Curriculum
  • Getting Acquainted with Other Students
  • Reviewing Course Objectives
  • Discussing 5 Day Course Schedule
  • Describing the Format that the Class will Use
  • Introducing Web Application Technologies
  • Describing the Java EE 6 Web Profile


Web Application Essentials

  • Describing Java Servlet Technology
  • Describing JavaServer Pages Technology
  • Understanting the Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture
  • Explaining Java EE Containers and Java Application Servers
  • Describing the Web Application Development Process
  • Identifying the Essential Structure of a WAR File


Developing a Servlet

  • Describing the HTTP Headers and Their Function
  • Explaining the Request and Response Processes
  • Understanding the Life Cycle of a Servlet
  • Listing Injection and Lifecycle Method Annotations
  • Understanding the Threading Model of a Servlet
  • Developing a Servlet to Respond to Requests from the Client Browser


Handling Form Requests in Servlets

  • Using HTML Forms To Collect Data From Users and Send it To a Servlet
  • Understanding How Form Data Is Sent in an HTTP Request
  • Developing a Servlet that Retrieves Form Parameters
  • Understanding and Using HttpSession Objects
  • Using Cookies for Session Management
  • Using URL Rewriting for Session Management


Configuring Your Web Application

  • Describing the Purpose of Deployment Descriptors
  • Creating Servlet Mappings to Allow Invocation of a Servlet
  • Creating and Access Context and Init Parameters
  • Using the @WebServlet and @WebInitParam Annotations
  • Using the ServletContextListener Interface
  • Describing the Different Scopes in a Web Application
  • Handling Errors Using a Deployment Descriptor


Implementing an MVC Design

  • Implementing the Controller Design Element Using a Servlet
  • Implementing the Model Design Element Using a POJO
  • Implementing the View Design Element Using a JSP and Expression Language (EL)
  • Connecting the model, View, and Controller Elements to Implement a Working MVC Solution
  • Injecting a Service in a Controller


Developing Components with JavaServer Pages Technology

  • Describing JSP Page Technology
  • Writing JSP Code Using Scripting Elements
  • Writing JSP Code Using the Page Directive
  • Writing JSP Code Using Standard Tags
  • Writing JSP code using Expression Language
  • Configuring the JSP Page Environment in the web.xml File
  • Writing an Error Page by Using JSP


Developing JSP Pages by Using Custom Tags

  • Designing JSP Pages with Custom Tag Libraries
  • Using a Custom Tag Library in JSP Pages
  • Describing JSTL Tags


Using Filters in Web Applications

  • Describing the Web Container Request Cycle
  • Describing the Filter API
  • Developing a Filter Class
  • Configuring a Filter in the web.xml File


More Servlet Features

  • Using the Asynchronous Servlet Mechanism
  • Using JavaScript to Send an HTTP Request from a Client
  • Processing an HTTP Response Entirely in JavaScript
  • Combining These Techniques to Create the Effect of Server-push
  • Handling Multipart Form Data


Implementing Security

  • Describing a Common Failure Mode in Security
  • Requiring that a User Log in Before Accessing Specific Pages in Your Web Application
  • Describing the Java EE Security Model
  • Requiring SSL Encrypted Communication for Certain URLs or Servlets


Integrating Web Applications with Databases

  • Understanding the Nature of the Model as a Macro-pattern
  • Implementing Persistent Storage for Your Web Applications Using JDBC or Java Persistence API
За кого е наменет


Придобивки од курс

Научете да:


  • Конструирајте и распоредете веб-апликации од мал до среден размер пронајдени во интранет и комерцијални сајтови со мал обем преку користејќи JavaServer Page (JSP page) технологија и сервлети.
  • Применете ја архитектурата на Model-View-Controller (MVC) на проекти во средини за ЕЕ.
  • Креирајте филтри и слушатели за сервлет.
  • Разбирање и управување со HTTP сесии во веб апликација.
  • Креирајте лесни за одржување страници JSP користејќи јазик за изразување и JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL).
  • Анализирајте, дизајнирајте, развивајте и распоредувајте веб-апликации со Java EE 6 SDK и серверот за апликации Oracle WebLogic
  • Сервер 12c.

Сертификат за присуство на курсот објавен од Семос Едукација