Semos Education Semos Education
  • Понеделник-Петок 9:00 - 22:00
  • Јави ни се +389 2 3130 900
    +389 75 310 910
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The Developing Serverless Solutions on AWS course provides developers with exposure to best practices for building serverless applications using AWS Lambda and other services in the AWS serverless platform.

This intermediate-level, three-day course involves using AWS frameworks to deploy a serverless application in hands-on labs, progressing from simpler to more complex topics. Participants will learn to use AWS documentation to develop authentic methods for learning and problem-solving beyond the classroom. The course includes presentations, hands-on labs, demonstrations, videos, knowledge checks, and group exercises.

By the end of this course, participants will be able to apply event-driven best practices to serverless application design, manage scaling considerations, and automate deployment processes using AWS services such as AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, and AWS SAM.

  • Module 0: Introduction
  • Module 1: Thinking Serverless
  • Module 2: API-Driven Development and Synchronous Event Sources
  • Module 3: Introduction to Authentication, Authorization, and Access Control
  • Module 4: Serverless Deployment Frameworks
  • Module 5: Using Amazon EventBridge and Amazon SNS to Decouple Components
  • Module 6: Event-Driven Development Using Queues and Streams
  • Module 7: Writing Good Lambda Functions
  • Module 8: Step Functions for Orchestration
  • Module 9: Observability and Monitoring
  • Module 10: Serverless Application Security
  • Module 11: Handling Scale in Serverless Applications
  • Module 12: Automating the Deployment Pipeline

This course is ideal for:

  • Developers who have some familiarity with serverless and experience with development in the AWS Cloud.



We recommend that attendees of this course have:

  • Familiarity with the basics of AWS Cloud architecture.
  • An understanding of developing applications on AWS equivalent to completing the Developing on AWS classroom training.
  • Knowledge equivalent to completing the following serverless digital trainings: AWS Lambda Foundations and Amazon API Gateway for Serverless Applications.

Upon completing this course, participants will be prepared to further pursue AWS certifications such as the AWS Certified Developer – Associate. This certification validates the participant’s expertise in developing and maintaining applications on AWS, including serverless solutions.


The Developing Serverless Solutions on AWS course provides developers with exposure to best practices for building serverless applications using AWS Lambda and other services in the AWS serverless platform.

This intermediate-level, three-day course involves using AWS frameworks to deploy a serverless application in hands-on labs, progressing from simpler to more complex topics. Participants will learn to use AWS documentation to develop authentic methods for learning and problem-solving beyond the classroom. The course includes presentations, hands-on labs, demonstrations, videos, knowledge checks, and group exercises.

By the end of this course, participants will be able to apply event-driven best practices to serverless application design, manage scaling considerations, and automate deployment processes using AWS services such as AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, and AWS SAM.

  • Module 0: Introduction
  • Module 1: Thinking Serverless
  • Module 2: API-Driven Development and Synchronous Event Sources
  • Module 3: Introduction to Authentication, Authorization, and Access Control
  • Module 4: Serverless Deployment Frameworks
  • Module 5: Using Amazon EventBridge and Amazon SNS to Decouple Components
  • Module 6: Event-Driven Development Using Queues and Streams
  • Module 7: Writing Good Lambda Functions
  • Module 8: Step Functions for Orchestration
  • Module 9: Observability and Monitoring
  • Module 10: Serverless Application Security
  • Module 11: Handling Scale in Serverless Applications
  • Module 12: Automating the Deployment Pipeline
За кого е наменет

This course is ideal for:

  • Developers who have some familiarity with serverless and experience with development in the AWS Cloud.



We recommend that attendees of this course have:

  • Familiarity with the basics of AWS Cloud architecture.
  • An understanding of developing applications on AWS equivalent to completing the Developing on AWS classroom training.
  • Knowledge equivalent to completing the following serverless digital trainings: AWS Lambda Foundations and Amazon API Gateway for Serverless Applications.

Upon completing this course, participants will be prepared to further pursue AWS certifications such as the AWS Certified Developer – Associate. This certification validates the participant’s expertise in developing and maintaining applications on AWS, including serverless solutions.

Досегашни искуства

Што кажаа луѓето за нас

  • - Марко Крстевски студент за Microsoft .NET

    Барајќи да го проширам своето знаење, се одлучив да се запишам во Семос Едукација каде го добивам потребното знаење и искуство.

  • - Теодор Марковски Студент

    Желбата да станам Cloud architect ме доведе до Семос Едукација. Воодушевен сум од позитивните искуства на поранешни студенти и начинот на кој предавачите и Кариерниот центар се грижат за студентите.

  • - Викторија Георгиева Летна менторска програма за Python Developer

    Репутацијата на Семос Едукација за квалитетна обука и можноста за учење од искусни инструктори одиграа дополнителна значајна улога во мојата одлука.

  • - Борче Пелтековски Акредитирана Академија за Графички дизајн

    По завршувањето во Семос Едукација се гледам во некоја компанија која работи со технологија, како на пример Samsung, Apple или компанија од сличен калибар.

Запознајте ги инструкторите

  • Благој Јанев  

    AWS Authorized Instructor

    CTO/Solutions Architect
    @Complete Synergi


    20+ години искуство


  • Марко Серафимовски
    +389 78 44 18 67