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Develop the skills necessary to configure a secure deployment solution for cloud-native apps.

Learn how to build, deploy, scale, and manage containerized cloud-native apps using Azure Container Apps, Azure Container Registry, and Azure Pipelines.

Deploy cloud-native apps using Azure Container Apps



  • Module 1: Get started with cloud native apps and containerized deployments
  • Module 2: Configure Azure Container Registry for container app deployments
  • Module 3: Configure a container app in Azure Container Apps
  • Module 4: Configure continuous deployment for container apps
  • Module 5: Scale and manage deployed container apps
  • Module 6: Guided project – Deploy and manage a container app using Azure Container Apps


  • Basic understanding of cloud computing concepts: Familiarity with cloud computing fundamentals, such as virtualization, scalability, and on-demand resource provisioning.
  • Knowledge of containers: Understanding the concept of containers, their benefits, and how they differ from traditional apps and virtual machines.
  • Familiarity with container orchestration: Basic understanding of container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes and their role in managing containerized applications.
  • Experience with Azure: Some familiarity with Microsoft Azure and its core container services, such as Azure Container Registry, Azure Kubernetes Service, and Azure Container Apps.
  • Experience with deployments: Some familiarity with Azure DevOps or similar CI/CD tools for application deployment.
  • Experience with networks: Some familiarity with networking concepts and Azure Virtual Networks.

Applied Skills Assessment – Deploy cloud-native apps using Azure Container Apps


Develop the skills necessary to configure a secure deployment solution for cloud-native apps.

Learn how to build, deploy, scale, and manage containerized cloud-native apps using Azure Container Apps, Azure Container Registry, and Azure Pipelines.


Deploy cloud-native apps using Azure Container Apps



  • Module 1: Get started with cloud native apps and containerized deployments
  • Module 2: Configure Azure Container Registry for container app deployments
  • Module 3: Configure a container app in Azure Container Apps
  • Module 4: Configure continuous deployment for container apps
  • Module 5: Scale and manage deployed container apps
  • Module 6: Guided project – Deploy and manage a container app using Azure Container Apps
За кого е наменет


  • Basic understanding of cloud computing concepts: Familiarity with cloud computing fundamentals, such as virtualization, scalability, and on-demand resource provisioning.
  • Knowledge of containers: Understanding the concept of containers, their benefits, and how they differ from traditional apps and virtual machines.
  • Familiarity with container orchestration: Basic understanding of container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes and their role in managing containerized applications.
  • Experience with Azure: Some familiarity with Microsoft Azure and its core container services, such as Azure Container Registry, Azure Kubernetes Service, and Azure Container Apps.
  • Experience with deployments: Some familiarity with Azure DevOps or similar CI/CD tools for application deployment.
  • Experience with networks: Some familiarity with networking concepts and Azure Virtual Networks.

Applied Skills Assessment – Deploy cloud-native apps using Azure Container Apps

Нашите студенти за нас:

  • - Марко Крстевски студент за Microsoft .NET

    Барајќи да го проширам своето знаење, се одлучив да се запишам во Семос Едукација каде го добивам потребното знаење и искуство.

  • - Теодор Марковски Студент

    Желбата да станам Cloud architect ме доведе до Семос Едукација. Воодушевен сум од позитивните искуства на поранешни студенти и начинот на кој предавачите и Кариерниот центар се грижат за студентите.

  • - Викторија Георгиева Летна менторска програма за Python Developer

    Репутацијата на Семос Едукација за квалитетна обука и можноста за учење од искусни инструктори одиграа дополнителна значајна улога во мојата одлука.

  • - Демјан Анатоли студент за JavaScript

    IT едукативен центар кој е постојан на пазарот и нуди постабилен резултат од останатите, која оди во тандем со пониската цена од поголемиот дел од конкуренцијата, факт кој ми помогна да ја изберам токму Семос JavaScript Академијата како вистински избор за моето надградување во ова поле.

  • - Дарко Младеновски студент за Microsoft .NET

    .NET Академијата на Семос Едукација најмногу одговараше на моите потреби – програмата е напредна, опфаќа front-end и back-end програмирање, како и Cloud технологии и е предвидена за луѓе со искуство во програмирање.


  • Ирена Ивановска
    +389 70 246 146